Index of /test/html/parsing/empty-attribute-syntax
Name Last modified Size Description
Parent Directory -
001.htm 2007-06-12 16:50 3.7K Attribute parsing
001-opera.htm 2007-06-12 16:50 3.7K Attribute parsing
The test takes a while to run. 001.htm doesn't work in Opera, and
001-opera.htm doesn't work in IE7. In Firefox you'll get the "heavy script"
dialog; just press "continue".
IE7 drops the following attributes:
<a href>
<area href>
<input src>
<iframe src>
<img src>
Opera drops a whole lot of attributes. Here's for the <a> tag only:
<a accept charset class id onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onclick
ondblclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout
onmousewheel onerror onload onresize onscroll onunload onreset onsubmit
onblur onchange onfocus oninput onselect accessKey action archive
autocomplete axis background char charset cite classid code codeBase
codeType cols content data dateTime dynsrc encType face for headers href
hreflang http-equiv label language longDesc name profile prompt rel rev
rows scheme scope src standby summary target useMap value valuetype
version wrap xmlns>
Firefox and Safari don't drop any attributes.